Dixon Mowers Guide

All Dixon Mowers, zero turn lawn mowers, cutters and accessories for your home and commercial site including parts, troubleshooting and user manuals! Dixon DX 152, DX 254, SpeedZTR 30, SpeedZTR 42, Ultra 61

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Model name DX 152 DX 161 DX 254
Zero trun system yes yes yes
Transsmition hydrostatic hydrostatic hydrostatic
Fuel gasoline gasoline gasoline
Roll over protection bar yes yes yes
Cutting width 52 inch 61 inch 54 inch
Fan-cooled pump yes yes yes
Parking brake internal disk disk
Speed 10 mph 10 mph 12 mph
Cup holder yes yes yes
Armrests yes yes yes
Generator 16 amp 16 amp 15 amp
Wieght 900 lbs 955 lbs 1260 lbs
Base machine width 67 inch 76 inch 68 inch
Efficiency 4.2 acres/hr 4.9 acres/hr 5.2 acres/hr
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Model name DX 260 DX 272 SpeedZTR 30
Zero trun system yes yes yes
Transsmition hydrostatic hydrostatic hydrostatic
Fuel gasoline gasoline gasoline
Roll over protection bar yes yes yes
Cutting width 60 inch 72 inch 30 inch
Fan-cooled pump yes yes yes
Parking brake internal internal disk
Speed 12 mph 12 mph 6.5 mph
Cup holder yes yes yes
Armrests yes yes no
Generator 15 amp 15 amp 26 amp
Number of blades 3 3 3
Deck lifting system manual, foot manual, foot manual, hand
Weight 1320 lbs 1400 lbs 395 lbs
Base machine width 67 inch 76 inch 68 inch
Efficiency 4.5 acres/hr 5.2 acres/hr 2.4 acres/hr
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Model name SpeedZTR 42 SpeedZTR 46 Ultra 61
Zero trun system yes no yes
Transsmition hydrostatic hydrostatic hydrostatic
Fuel gasoline gasoline gasoline
Roll over protection bar yes no no
Cutting width 42 inch 46 inch 61 inch
Blade engagement manual electric clutch electric clutch
Parking brake internal internal internal
Speed 6.5 mph 6.5 mph 10 mph
Armrests no no yes
Generator 16 amp 16 amp n/a
Number of blades 2 2 3
Deck lifting system manual, hand manual, hand manual, foot
Wieght 430 lbs 580 lbs 770 lbs
Base machine width 58 inch 67 inch 76 inch
Efficiency 2.2 acres/hr 2.4 acres/hr 4.9 acres/hr
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